![]() It sure took a while, but perhaps I can finally give some closure to the Everlasting Rockbuster Theory. It's been a long time since Part 1 and Part 2,..though primarily because of distractions on my end. But rather than dwell on my shortcomings of consistent site updates, let's go address those two other possible problems I had mentioned last time when it come to the idea that the Rockbuster is powered by solar energy, that is collected by his helmet's solar panel (or alternatively his hair when helmet is absent).
Like I said before, I have nothing for Halloween. But that's not the same for artist セブンチャン (Sefun-chan). Hope you have a safe and merriful holiday!
![]() Mine Guard Robot; Hari Hari A few days ago, ScrewAttack announced that their next match up for their series DeathBattle would be a contest between The Diabolical Dr. Robotnik and our own Dr. Wily. The geeky wheels in my head are spinning all over the place, so expect some future articles inspired by it. But in the meantime, I'll leave you with this little gem dropped by RRL's #20 concerning the upcoming duel: #20: "Wily just needs a cannon that shoots Hari Harrys."
Yeah, I really don't have much for Halloween. Accept this Ronald McDonald/Cutman autotune insanity by onimura in the meantime. Probably not really for those with Coulrophobia.
![]() The one man vertical take off vehicle with a whining sound comparable to scratching chalk boards, the Wily UFO is Dr. Wily's principle means of transportation. Be it underground or outer space, if Wily needs to be somewhere, you will surely see him convey off to the destination in some version of this particular craft. Considering that Dr. Wily is suppose to be a master of robots, the fact he relies on a flying saucer does seems like a particularly odd choice. Even factoring his stint as an "Alien" in Rockman 2 doesn't explain how this style of vehicle continues to be used all the way up to Rockman 10. But perhaps evaluating the other function of the Wily UFO can prove to be a hint for it's inspiration. 茶歌 brings us a nice 9 minute collection of different arranged version of the Rockman 2 Wily Stage 1 music. The spectrum of the different music accomplished from the original chiptune here are definitely worth a listen. Though I must admit, the initial motivator for posting this is the "Doc Brown" Christopher Lloyd Photoshopped with a stache. A guilty pleasure. If a real Hollywood Rockman movie ever went to production, no casting call would be needed for the role of Dr. Wily~
It is pretty well established that Nagai Go's Mazinger series is a monolith to the development of Japan's modern day robot fiction. First published as a manga in 1972, it paved the way by introducing all sorts of super robot concepts that are consider standard tropes today. Among these are a flood of fantastic mechanical designs with unique attributes and abilities. With that in mind, it shouldn't be all too surprising if I told you that among the 80+ boss characters of Rockman, there would be some that would pay homage and/or take inspiration from the mechanical giants found in Mazinger Series. Allow me to explain the "like peas in a pod" Boss Characters and their Mazinger Series origins. MxR/えむくろ demonstrates a boss battle from Nico Nico Douga (STG). It is a fan game who's bosses comprise of Nico Nico Douga's "celebrities" in the fashion of a 弾幕 (Danmaku=> Bullet Curtain) shooting game. It dates back to 2008, so this is before Rockman 10 for those of you who cry foul for lack of a weapon representative for that game. This does make one appreciate how much of a "monster" Rockman actually is with all the abilities he has assimilated over the years.
By super talented artist マツダ(Matsuda), who's website is unfortunately under construction at the moment. Don't let the Aero and the Lilys' existence be for nothing! Remember that everyone of you are needed to bring back Dash 3!!